Middle School Ski Club

Hand in your Ski Club Forms and Money!


Please hand in your forms (student and/or adult) and money ($29) to the office in by December 10th!

Forms are available on this page and in the school office.

Please read Ski Rules and Rates! The Ski Club card only get your reduced rates each night of Ski Club.


If school is canceled because of snow then ski club is also canceled.

Interested in hitting the slopes this winter? Join the ZCS Middle School Ski Club!

Students and their families can benefit from reduced rates by joining the ski club through Zeeland Christian. On Friday nights, middle school students can travel out to Bittersweet for a night of skiiing. Beginners will be lead through the process of getting out on the slopes and having fun. Our Friday night outings are for middle school students only but younger students (7+)  and their parents can also use the ski club membership for reduced rates at many other times during the ski season.

Students will need to register and purchase a ski club card in order to receive reduced prices on lift tickets and rent equipment. The card is only for reduced rates on lift passes and equipmentStudents still have to purchase lift tickets and if they need skis will still need to cover the rental costs.

To purchase a ZCS Ski Club card, please fill out the Ski Club Registration Form and submit it, along with payment, to the school office.

Student Ski Club Cards are $29 for the 2022-2023 ski season. Checks should be made out to Bittersweet Resort.

Registration forms can be downloaded from the ZCS Ski Club page or picked up from the school office.

What does a typical Ski Club night look like?

  1.  We leave on the bus at 3pm and head to the Bittersweet Ski Resort.
  2.  We arrive at Bittersweet and students purchase their lift tickets and rentals if they need them.
  3.  Students ski until 8:00pm(ish)...then get into the bus just before 8:30pm.
  4.  Bus leave exactly at 8:30pm.
  5.  Bus arrives back at ZCS around 9:30pm.

Food can be purchased at the ski area.  Many skiers bring their own snacks.
There are evaluations done to see if skiers can move to more challenging parts of the hill.  Those evaluations are done near the beginner hill.  Talk to your ski chaperones if you are nervous about them.  We can help you!

Mr. Fischer and Mr. Kapenga hang out by the beginner hill because they like to help students learn to ski!  If you are a beginner don't worry because you will have fun!  Please talk to Mr. Fischer or Mr. Kapenga if you are nervous.  Skiing is a ton of fun and even they were nervous skiers a long time ago!

Never skied before? 

It is strongly recommended that middle schoolers who join us on Friday nights begin with skiing and not snowboarding.  The goal is to get students out on the slopes and having fun.  Skiing will let beginners quickly get on and off ski lifts in a safer manner and make a student's first trip to a ski hill much more enjoyable.  It is also strongly recommended that skiers wear helmets. Helmets can be purchased at local sporting good stores or rented at Bittersweet.  If you decide to learn to snowboard before learning to ski we will recommend not learning from your friends.  We ask that you take advantage of the lessons available to you at Bittersweet or learn from a parent.

Do students get injured? 

Injuries do happen.  Fortunately, it doesn't happen all that often.

If an injury occurs and it ends up being your child you will be notified.  Bittersweet has a fantastic ski patrol and top notch first aid.
Your child will not be alone.  The ZCS chaperones will be with them and we will be in contact with you.

Your whole family can save money by joining our ski club!

Parents can enjoy reduced rates by joining the adult ski club through ZCS. Students not in middle school can also join the ski club and access the same low price on lift passes and rentals.

Please read through the Student and Adult Rules for more information.

Required Forms

ZCS Ski Club

Sponsors - Ross Fischer, Ben Kapenga


Email Mr. Fischer for more information.