How to Enroll

Ignite your child's God-given potential

Joining the ZCS Family

We thank you for prayerfully selecting Zeeland Christian School to partner with your family in the Christian education of your child. The following will assist you in the admissions process.



Steps to Enrollment


Complete Application & Submit Program Preference


Receive Your Admissions Decision


Complete Checklist Items in the Enrollment Portal

Admissions & Enrollment

Become a ZCS Family

Enrollment Timeline

  • Preschool Enrollment
    Preschool enrollment typically takes place in mid-January.


  • Y5s & Kindergarten Enrollment
    Young Fives and Kindergarten enrollment typically opens in December.


  • Kindergarten -8th Grade Current Year Enrollment
    We are currently accepting applications for select grades.

Financial Aid

ZCS believes everyone should have access to high-quality Christian education. We offer different types of need-based assistance that accommodate a family’s specific financial situation.

Financial aid applications are reviewed in February.

staff 2023 -1-32

Natalia McGowen

Director of Admissions & Enrollment  616.772.2609

Have Questions?

Contact our Admissions & Enrollment Team today.