Head of School Note 1.19.22

Parents and Guardians,
Reflecting on our first few weeks back to school after the holidays, I am encouraged by the many acts of kindness, the sense of family, and the spirit of teamwork I witness each day. It hasn’t been an “easy” beginning to the new year, and yet, the spirit of God and his provision and protection are evident. As our community continues to feel the impact of illness on those we love and care about, there is a shared burden we’ve carried together. So many have prayed or offered tangible help and resources to staff members whose spouses are battling major illnesses, providing a “whatever is needed” attitude in hard situations.
Students are stepping up in classrooms to help our (many) substitute teachers as they acclimate to routines. I am so proud of our students’ willingness to jump in and so thankful for a highly supportive staff who offer assistance in any ways they’re able.
When our first week back to school was filled with snow days, several teachers and leaders committed an entire snow day to discussing math improvements at ZCS. Teachers continue to give their best–not only to their classrooms but to each other.
Zeeland Christian is a special place. I am thankful to come to school each day to be among a community of people who truly love God and who embrace opportunities to show Christ’s love to one another.
As you drive your children to school, or as you stop by and experience moments here with us, please remember ZCS in your prayers. Please pray for wisdom, stamina, and strength for our staff, students, and leadership. Please pray for health, joy, and safety for all in our community. Please pray that Zeeland Christian will be a consistent light in the midst of ever-changing circumstances, as we look to our God who is unwavering and steady. It is an honor to pray for your families and for God’s hand of protection and peace over each of your lives as well.
Burn Bright!
Tim McAboy
Head of School
P.S.: As registration opens this week for the 2022-23 school year, I want to acknowledge those families whose youngest will be joining their siblings at ZCS in the fall. We know that there are a variety of emotions that come with this step, and it’s an honor to have you choose ZCS for your entire family.