What Are You Waiting For?

Recently on a morning run that turned into more of a walk, I found myself walking around the outside of our school. I said aloud, “Who should I pray for, Lord?” Very clearly He said, “Pray for those who are waiting.” I prayed for families waiting for medical treatments to bring results, wayward family members…

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Seasons of Parenting

Parents, Andy Stanley says that if we parent now the way God would have us to parent, there may be times when our children don’t like us very much. But they will like us later, and “later is longer.”   His parenting series “Future Family” helped me to see raising my children in seasons:  …

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Unkind Behavior in Students

This morning, Caryn Navis, our school counselor, met with teachers to discuss ways to address unkind behavior in students. While bullying receives a lot of attention (and rightly so), smaller instances of unkind behavior often go unaddressed. Karyn’s instruction to us, and my advice to you is that we address every single instance of unkind…

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“How did I end up here?”

Two years ago, in an attempt to run across the Grand Canyon (and back), I got a bit lost. After a side trip to a waterfall off the main trail, I couldn’t find my way back to the path. I didn’t realize I was lost until I was walking up on a ledge and the…

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