Announcing the ZCS Interim Head of School

Tom DeJonge, ZCS Interim Head of School

ZCS Interim Head of School Many of you have covered ZCS and its leadership in prayer over the past few months, especially as we walk through this season of transition. Thank you! Our themes of being grateful, prayerful, and thoughtful continue. Today, we are delighted to announce that Tom DeJonge, retiring superintendent of Grand Rapids…

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NEW! Nature-based Young Fives Add-on for 2024-25

In 2017, ZCS began gathering information on the benefits of kids having more time in nature. We found that extended time outdoors led to more creative play, health benefits, higher student engagement, and the opportunity to explore God’s creation in an educational setting. With this knowledge, ZCS decided that we wanted all our students to…

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Welcomed As We Are

When we say inclusion at Zeeland Christian, we are referring to the 33-year-long commitment to welcome, include, educate, and extend belonging to all learners. After all these years, our desire to provide inclusive education to all children is even stronger. Why? Because we have 33 years’ worth of names, faces, stories, and Holy Spirit moments…

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ZCS Welcomes New School Resource Officer

We are thankful for our partnership with the Zeeland Police Department and their commitment to keeping our school and community safe. At ZCS, we are assigned a School Resource Officer to protect the safety and security of our students, staff, and campus. In addition, they attend many school academic and sporting events and act as…

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Elementary First Day of School!

Parents and Guardians, What a fabulous first day of elementary school it has been! Since this morning, I have sensed God’s presence through the Holy Spirit and witnessed the first day of school jitters calm, kids’ joy spread, and relationships form. If you were one of the 100 (or more!) parents at our Opening Convocation,…

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Beginners, Together!

By Karyl Morin, Director of Learning Innovation at Zeeland Christian School “We will desire to get back to normal, yet I believe we will realize an even better normal after we learn and grow together through this.”   We are all beginners! Each of us is learning and working in new ways and are there ever-growing…

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Third Graders make a difference through Terra Cycle.

  Each year the third graders at Zeeland Christian School are faced with a problem. They know that as God’s children they are called to care for God’s creation and that they have a lot of work to do. Instead of focusing on the huge problem, the kids have learned that if they work hard, they…

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