Student Spotlight: Kayleigh VanDyk

at the Legacy Event, November 2022
At ZCS we have the amazing opportunity of learning 3 different languages. Knowing English, you can speak to 17% of the world. Knowing English and Spanish, you can speak to 25% of the world. Knowing English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese, you can speak to 40% percent of the world. I don’t know about you, but I think that is pretty powerful. We only have this opportunity though, through Zeeland Christian’s amazing teachers. The teachers here are absolutely wonderful, but here are a few teachers who inspire potential in me. Mrs. Zastrow, who inspires me to try hard and do my best. Who also continues to fuel the flame of my love for reading. Maestra Snellink, quien me enseñó que es importante aprender español. La maestra también está ayudandome con el idioma afuera de mis clases. 周老师教了我怎样当一个耶稣的门徒。他也让我看到一个老师可以留下怎样的影响。 This is how teachers have inspired potential in me.
What use are these languages though? If you don’t have something to say. This is how ZCS has inspired my faith. During 7th grade camp at Camp Geneva, we had the opportunity to worship together as a whole grade. We gathered in the worship area and began to sing songs. This was particularly impactful for me because I really enjoy worship. This felt like we weren’t just friends from school, it felt like we were coming together as one, children of the most high worshiping him through song. This worship allowed us to express our joy and thankfulness to Him. Worship is so important because, when you’re a middle schooler, it can be hard to express your feelings in your own words. Zeeland Christian has also deepened my faith as the lessons and values of my teachers connect with those of my church and family.
The ZCS community, as a whole, is kind, loving, and understanding, and it inspires me to be the same in my life.
Throughout my years at Zeeland Christian I’ve made great friends, through field trips, amazing lessons, and especially chapels. At the beginning of 6th grade, I met some pretty great girls. One has supported me especially through middle school. She is amazing, and she has shown me Jesus through her kindness. If I’m sad or frustrated, she always comforts me and gives me a hug. If it weren’t for her, I probably wouldn’t have made it through middle school with a smile on my face. The ZCS community, as a whole, is kind, loving, and understanding, and it inspires me to be the same in my life.
I’d like to take a moment to thank those who have helped me grow and become a better young woman. I am very grateful for a school that inspires all things in my life and connects the values that are most important to me. Thank you for investing in me and my classmates as we continue along God’s path for us.