Teaching and Learning Through a Reformed Lens
By: Katy Rozema, Director of Teaching and Learning Recently, our Board of Trustees, Leadership Team, and Staff have had a lot of conversations about teaching and, therefore, learning from a Reformed perspective at Zeeland Christian School. What a wonderful conversation to engage in! These discussions have reminded us of the deep privilege and responsibility we…
Read MoreBeing Shaped for God’s Purpose
Middle School is an exciting journey where students learn valuable lessons in a supportive environment while making unforgettable memories! As Makenna Hoekstra, one of our fantastic 6th-grade teachers, says, “It’s all about meeting kids where they are at and encouraging them to live into how God created them.” There’s nothing sweeter than hearing our students…
Read MoreAnnouncing the ZCS Interim Head of School
ZCS Interim Head of School Many of you have covered ZCS and its leadership in prayer over the past few months, especially as we walk through this season of transition. Thank you! Our themes of being grateful, prayerful, and thoughtful continue. Today, we are delighted to announce that Tom DeJonge, retiring superintendent of Grand Rapids…
Read MoreTaiwan Trip 2024
By: Alex Zhou As a Chinese saying goes: ”What you learn from traveling ten thousand miles is more than reading ten thousand books.” After years of dedication and hard work, 9 middle school students in the Mandarin program have been given the opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty of Chinese culture, practice language skills,…
Read MoreFaith Journey – Collins
Collins shares her Faith Journey at ZCS at the Pastor Appreciation Breakfast By: Collins Hoort, 8th Grader “I was asked today to talk about my faith journey at ZCS and how my teachers have influenced it. And it was really difficult for me to come up with an answer to that question. I have never…
Read MoreNEW! Nature-based Young Fives Add-on for 2024-25
In 2017, ZCS began gathering information on the benefits of kids having more time in nature. We found that extended time outdoors led to more creative play, health benefits, higher student engagement, and the opportunity to explore God’s creation in an educational setting. With this knowledge, ZCS decided that we wanted all our students to…
Read MoreWelcomed As We Are
When we say inclusion at Zeeland Christian, we are referring to the 33-year-long commitment to welcome, include, educate, and extend belonging to all learners. After all these years, our desire to provide inclusive education to all children is even stronger. Why? Because we have 33 years’ worth of names, faces, stories, and Holy Spirit moments…
Read MoreKendra Laarman – Preschool
“I think I always have them in mind, whether shopping, or walking in the woods, or reading. I often stop to pick something up to share with them, or an idea comes to me that I’d like to
try in the classroom.”
Q & A with The Belleville Family
“We Found the Unicorn.” Meet the Belleville Family! We had the honor of sharing their ZCS story at the Legacy Event earlier this month. Watch their video to learn about their journey to finding the “unicorn” school for their children, and read their Q & A below. About We are the Belleville…
Read MoreStudent Spotlight: Kayleigh VanDyk
At ZCS we have the amazing opportunity of learning 3 different languages. Knowing English, you can speak to 17% of the world. Knowing English and Spanish, you can speak to 25% of the world. Knowing English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese, you can speak to 40% percent of the world. I don’t know about you, but…
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