Make An Impact Together
ZCS Families and Community, From the very first day of school, moments occur in which students begin, or continue, to connect their lives with God’s calling. Jackie Roskamp, 8th-grade teacher, set the tone for the new school year, by speaking directly to each child’s eternal significance. We recently shared this quote from Mrs. Roskamp on…
Read MoreWhy Mandarin?
“I knew that by investing in our children in this way, we were giving them a unique gift that only ZCS could provide. It would be something they could use and enjoy their whole life.” When Ben and Cara Wickstra were deciding on a pre-school for their oldest son Owen, they knew their passion for…
Read MoreStaff Spotlight: Melissa Wire
“But more importantly, I believe that by teaching them about God’s love and grace, we can instill in them a foundation of faith that will guide them throughout their lives no matter where they live in the world.” With a strong love for early childhood education and Chinese culture, Melissa Wire brings a unique perspective…
Read MoreWorld Language: Lindsey Slenk
After studying abroad in Mexico and spending a summer working for Young Life (Vida Joven) in Costa Rica, Lindsey Slenk found her way back to Zeeland Christian School, this time as a teacher. Since returning to ZCS 15 years ago, Lindsey has taught every grade level from preschool through 8th grade. “Each grade…
Read MoreStanding Stone Society Member: The Schrotenboers
Making a will or estate plan, or updating it, is something that most of us have on our to-do list. However, we tend to put it off since we always figure we can do it later. If you have a heart for giving to ZCS and are due for estate plan work anyway, why not…
Read MoreWelcomed As We Are
When we say inclusion at Zeeland Christian, we are referring to the 33-year-long commitment to welcome, include, educate, and extend belonging to all learners. After all these years, our desire to provide inclusive education to all children is even stronger. Why? Because we have 33 years’ worth of names, faces, stories, and Holy Spirit moments…
Read MorePeters Family
“Mom, I think I might actually LIKE School.” When the school year first started our kids clearly noticed the differences between their old school and ZCS. They now read their Bibles on their own, offer to pray at dinner, and are asking so many deeper questions about faith and what they’re learning about the Bible.…
Read MoreKendra Laarman – Preschool
“I think I always have them in mind, whether shopping, or walking in the woods, or reading. I often stop to pick something up to share with them, or an idea comes to me that I’d like to
try in the classroom.”
Q & A with The Belleville Family
“We Found the Unicorn.” Meet the Belleville Family! We had the honor of sharing their ZCS story at the Legacy Event earlier this month. Watch their video to learn about their journey to finding the “unicorn” school for their children, and read their Q & A below. About We are the Belleville…
Read MoreStudent Spotlight: Kayleigh VanDyk
At ZCS we have the amazing opportunity of learning 3 different languages. Knowing English, you can speak to 17% of the world. Knowing English and Spanish, you can speak to 25% of the world. Knowing English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese, you can speak to 40% percent of the world. I don’t know about you, but…
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